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Intense rain fell after midnight. Weather news said, in Wuling which I passed four days ago, snow was piled up 20cm.
Out of the goodwill of the hotel, I recieved a lift to the Miaoli station.

Afterwards, the rain became gentle, so I cycled to the West Coast on the shore of the Straits of Taiwan. I stayed at the fishing port town, Nanliao.
The weather was fine the next day. I rode on the cycling road along the beach in bright sunlight.

I arrived at the mouth of Danshuei River in the afternoon. To Taipei, which was the goal of the tour, it was another 20km.

Many young students were cycling on the Bali Left Bank cycling road. It was a weekday afternoon today. After school, they had come to ride together.
Taiwan is a splendid country for cyclists.

DST: 97.10Km / AV: 15.28Km / TM: 6:21


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