I climbed Mt. Kinabalu(4095m) in Malaysia which wanted to go if I had a chance.
We went from Narita Airport to Kota Kinabalu.
On the next morning, we begun to climb from Timpon Gate(1866m).
The first day, we climbed the stepped mountain trail to a rest house of Laban Rata (3,272m).On the second day, we aimed at Lows Peak(4095m) the top of the mountaintop leaving at 2:30 a.m.
From photographs of the mountaintop is a terrible rock peak, but a rope is set in the dangerous points and while it is still gloomy, there is not a sense of fear.
Tourists from various countries in the world turned their head lamps.
I saw a lot of Islam women wearing tudung (scarf).
Breathing is painful at that altitude, but my willpower continues somehow because the altitude of Mt. Fuji(3776m), a sharp south peak (3,921m), 4,000m ;
near aims approached sequentially. It is a mountain you can climb in two days, but the high place has scenery which I cannot see from other mountains.